• Display Screen Width if user is logged it

    Display Screen Width if user is logged it

    If you are fine tuning your design you need to check if you are targeting right size. With Scripts Organizer it’s easy to check if user is logged in since you probably don’t want to show this on the front end to everyone. Scripts Organizer Settings Use conditions and select: Header (CSS or SCSS) Footer…

  • Element color background in repeater with ACF

    Create ACF field group and assign it to posts. Create field label and name it color and choose field type Color picker. Assign color to each post Create a repeater in Oxygen builder Select first child of Repeater Add class to that element “data-color-bg” Go to advanced > attributes > Add attribute. First field needs…

  • Add script after body is open

    One of the most common scripts include locations for analytics are inside header and after body is opened. In Scripts Organizer we didn’t wanted to bloat UI with this one as you can add it with simple code snippet. Scripts Organizer Settings Trigger location: EverywhereScript Location: PHP

  • Animate header logo on scroll

    Animate header logo on scroll

    Important here is that you add class .header to your header and class .brand to your logo. Code will add new class (.header-alt) to the header to the .header after user scrolls more then 1px. On the line 6 you can change scroll value to what you prefer (50px, 100px, etc). Add height to your…

  • Oxygen Links in Admin Bar

    I put this code-snippet to every Oxygen site i develop, because it is faster to go to the settings by admin bar,I use Scripts Organizer to use this as below : Add a code-block with Trigger location set to EVERYWHERE put the code and you are done.

  • Custom Password Protected Message

    If you put a post or CPT to password protected, and you want to change the default message, for example you want to put a link with a request the password contact form in the message then use the code below.

  • Disable WordPress default Image Sizes

    I usually use images on my most of clients the maximum size of 1400px, and never used the medium_large image size for my clients except when the client forces to use. Then when I give the access to client, he may be sometime upload very large image which we don’t needed, so I use the…

  • Hide Errors using wp-config file

    Hide Errors using wp-config file

    Sometimes when you are in a development environment like Laravel Valet on your home computer, you may have errors show up. you can use the following code to hide them Edit wp-config.php file and add the following anywhere ini_set(‘display_errors’,’Off’); ini_set(‘error_reporting’, E_ALL ); define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);

  • Adding Extra Required Classes To Oxywind Worker

    Adding Extra Required Classes To Oxywind Worker

    Use the following code to add extra required classes during Oxywind worker compiling / cache generation when you are ready for production. You may want to do this if you want to use tailwind classes in your HTML code outside of oxygen elsewhere in wordpress or a 3rd party / custom plugin. This will save…

  • Add daisyUI to Oxywind

    Add daisyUI to Oxywind

    Setup daisyUI CDN Ready For Development Add the following code to use the full daisyUI CDN while developing, this includes all daisyUI elements. These will be later purged by the Oxywind worker so only the elements you use will be included in your production site. Add daisyUI To Oxywind Worker Configuration In the Oxywind settings…

  • Free WordPress Cookie Consent with Scripts Organizer

    This is taken form Facebook conversation in the Official Oxygen Builder group. Follow up on the conversation.

  • Hide products with zero price

    Just a simple function that will hide products that have price set to 0. I found it useful when I was importing products from some external source where client decided to add prices manually. In case that there is no price set to 0, where price is empty this snippet could be used.

  • Hide Oxygen Composite Elements

    Hide Oxygen Composite Elements

    if you do not use it. Keep add elements sidebar clean. Solution to hide If you are using Scripts Organizer download code snippet Solution to Disabled Thanks to Suppa Mike for providing second solution.

  • Hide cookie banner for a year

    Use JavaScript to hide element for one year. It’s perfect for banners such as cookie. You can easily change parameters and change it from 365 days to what ever you need. Your element need to have class of “element-dismiss” and you need to place button element inside

  • Go Back Button

    Go Back Button

    This will allow you to create a button that uses the history states to go back with pure HTML. You will then have to style it to make it look as required. It is useful if you end up on checkout pages or forms that have no headers or footers and wish to give the…

  • Display Most Popular Post Without Using Plugin in WordPress

    Display Most Popular Post Without Using Plugin in WordPress

    There are numerous plugins available on the WordPress plugin directory for most popular posts. We are going to display the most popular post using the simple post query based on post views. We will be using post Meta to store the views count and we’ll fetch the posts according to the views count using the…

  • Hide Ruller in Oxygen Builder

    This allows you to hide that ruler on the bottom of the builder that often gets in the way of doing mobile responsive work. Set as CSS custom code

  • Add Media Link To Admin Bar

    Add Media Link To Admin Bar

    This code allows you to add a link to ADD MEDIA from Admin Toolbar, because going all the way to the left and hovering over options is too much work. Set to load in Admin Area only

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