• Add class to the element on scroll

    Change element class or ID on lines 3 and 5 to trigger right elements and on line 2 100 is how many pixels to scroll until class is added.

  • Reload bellow the fold in same place

    Reload bellow the fold in same place

    The most annoying thing when you are working with animations or even with CSS is definitely when you are working on something that is below the fold, and with each refresh, you need to scroll again to see the changes. This code snippet will help you with that. It will scroll to the same position…

  • Scroll Progress Bar in Oxygen under 2 minutes

    Scroll Progress Bar in Oxygen under 2 minutes

    This technique requests Scripts Manager feature by Swiss Knife or Scripts Organizer to quickly import a script. Register Script We will start by going into Script Manager feature and paste CDN link or Upload it to media library to store it on our server. Give it a name, Script Type set as JavaScript, Location for…

  • Add Dropdown Pages Links to WordPress Admin Bar

    Add Dropdown Pages Links to WordPress Admin Bar

    With this script you will have quick access to all the pages right from WordPress Admin Bar Scripts Organizer Settings Code

  • Live Reload with Scripts Organizer

    Live Reload with Scripts Organizer

    We all hate switching between browsers, save, switch, reload. This is a nice workaround until we create it as a build-in feature. Set it between 1500 ( 1,5 sec ) and 3. Less is too fast and if set as more you will wait too much. Set it as Conditions > Header and activate Exclude…

  • YouTube Shortcode with lazy load video and scripts on click

    YouTube Shortcode with lazy load video and scripts on click

    Current problem is if you embed youtube in WordPress it’s going to load a bunch of scripts that will dramatically increase a load time. With this approach scripts and video will be loaded only after user clicks on video thumbnail. Shortcode usage To use shortcode wrap “yt” and “id=yourid” in backets [] You don’t need…

  • Get Oxygen Global colors as CSS Variables

    Get Oxygen Global colors as CSS Variables

    If you want to write external CSS the easiest way to sync the global colors between the oxygen and an external CSS is through the variables. You will need to get all variables into the header under the root. The output should look like this:

  • Page, Post, and CPT ID in Admin columns

    Page, Post, and CPT ID in Admin columns

    From time to time you need to set up a bunch of conditions with Oxygen Builder that requires Page or Posts ID numbers. To get them you need to open every page or post and find it under URL. Much easier is to get numbers directly inside Admin Columns so you don’t need to open…

  • Oxygen Templates List in WP-Admin top bar

    Accessing Oxygens Builder templates list always needs several clicks. WordPress Admin top bar is always there and easily accessible. If you don’t have too many things in the top bar this code will be perfect for you. With this code, you will get an entire list of your Oxygen templates. No styling is required as…

  • Add link inside WP-Admin topbar

    Usually, some common settings are hidden under submenus and several clicks. To be efficient I need to have them in 1 or 2 clicks and highlighted. That’s why I made this small code snippet to add links and coloring for each menu item. Single menu item Multiple menu items Code Implementation Open Scripts Organizer. Code…

  • Register image sizes that are visible in the Editor insertion

    Register image sizes that are visible in the Editor insertion

    You registered new image size, regenerated all images but still when you insert image element your image size is still not shown. To explain first what are the image settings inside the brackets: product-main = image name 1440 = width in pixels 800 = height in pixels true it will be cropped. set false if…

  • WordPress Admin Dark Theme

    WordPress Admin Dark Theme

    WordPress sadly only have “Light mode”. If you have problem with that hard contrast and big light screen you need to install heavy plugins that only bloats your server and admin resources. Scripts Organizer Setup Select admin only condition. With that option CSS will be served only to the logged in users. Use PHP Block…

  • Scripts on Excluded pages

    Scripts on Excluded pages

    At the moment we have option to select pages on which you want to apply scripts. Thats why I made a small code snippet to help you create this option as well. Write Page, Post ID or Slug on witch pages you don’t want that script is applied and it will be applied on all…

  • Modify or Disable Heartbeat API Without Plugin

    Modify or Disable Heartbeat API Without Plugin

    In 2013 WordPress introduces Heartbeat API – a feature that allows your browser to automatically communicate with the server. However, there are a couple of drawbacks to this feature. If you use a shared hosting plan, you need to take a closer look at the CPU usage of your server. That’s because some hosting companies might suspend your account…

  • Widget Title change h2 to h4

    Widget Title change h2 to h4

    WordPress Widgets by default have titles as h2 tag. if you need to change them to something else it is easy to change ti with WordPress filter. Add Code Snippet Open Scripts Organizer Hit Add new. Scripts Organizer Settings Trigger Location: EverywhereScript Location: PHP

  • Remove the “Archive” prefix

    Remove the “Archive” prefix

    If you are using archive pages you will get prefixes such as “Archive:”, “Category:”. Easiest way to remove them is to use WP Filter. Add Code Snippet Open Scripts Organizer Hit Add new. Scripts Organizer Settings Trigger Location: EverywhereScript Location: PHP

  • Color Admin Menu Items

    Color Admin Menu Items

    The easiest way to organize Admin Menu is to add specific colors to it.I personally like to color items I use daily. Code Snippet Add Code Snippet Open Scripts Organizer Hit Add new. Scripts Organizer Settings Trigger Location: EverywhereScript Location: PHP How to find plugin target to write CSS? Hover over item you want to find info and…

  • Attach Category to Custom Post type

    Attach Category to Custom Post type

    By the default if you create Custom Post Type attaching Category to it is not possible. On the line: array( ‘post’, ‘resource_libraries’ ), replace “resource_libraries” slug to your custom post type slug. Code Snippet Add Code Snippet Open Scripts Organizer Hit Add new. Scripts Organizer Settings Trigger Location: EverywhereScript Location: PHP

  • Create admin user programmatically

    Create admin user programmatically

    Sometimes people forget their WordPress admin credentials and email as well so there is no way for them to reset the password to come back in the admin. Following is a little code that you can either add in the functions.php file or set a script in Scripts Organizer and select the PHP option in…

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