after the file path add array, version and then print An entire block stored in function.php should look like this. You can always add it as @media print but with this you will have much more flexibility and load it where you need it. More about Print CSS:
Add this code to function.php to change excerpt length to 20 words
Place code bellow in your function.php
This is custom code will loop 3 posts in same categories without a current post with random sorting.
In code block when you are using script add to PHP tab: You need to put path from /wp-content/ and not just plugins folder PHP JavaScript Note: Got this trick from a good friend Alexander Buzmakov. Visit his tutorials
Put this code to functions.php The easiest way to find all registered scripts and styles is with the plugin MinQueue. If you want to deregister with plugin use Asset Queue Manager
Open preferences by pressing Command + “,” And paste the following snippet Taken from:
If you need just parent cagetory Parrent Child Child Child
Replace “projeckte_cat” with your taxonomy slug.
PHP in Function PHP in codeblock CSS
This code will lead you to the page same as you pressed back in Browser
This is done with event listener. It will track class “.show-on-scroll” and add and remove Class “is-visible” depending on if it’s visible in screen view or not.
List of categories for posts with link to archive and wrapped in classes To enable it for taxonomies add this line and replace ‘produckte’ with your taxonomy slug And on the end you will get this for custom categories ( taxonomies) Here is preview of HTML output:
jQuery Snipped for toggle text inside div on click. “Hello World” will be default text and text for every second click. And “Bye!” will be on first and every even click.
Expand object with click on the button. The trigger is class on the object that will start the animation. Assign the class to the object that should be animated and replace 300 (milliseconds) to what you prefer Wrap this with document ready code. The final code should look like this
This code is basic and for beginners. Usually, you can see solutions but not how to wrap jQuery code to start writing it for WordPress or Oxygen. The outer Javascript function is known as an anonymous function and jQuery is wrapped at the end, so is therefore aliased or bound to the $ selector, so in the inner function…
3rd party plugins admin after_body Alt archive Blocks Category clean up composite elemenets core CPT CSS Custom Custom Post Dashboard flexslider Front End FSE full site editing Gallery hook HTML Image load styles Must Have notice Oxygen Password Permalink plugins Post List Publish Date repeater settings page share single product Taxonomy Taxonomy Term themes Tips Topbar WooCommerce wordpress WP Admin WPML