If you need to rotate logo while you are scrolling the page like on Matthias Altmann’s website here is the code he shared with us Example: https://www.altmann.de/
Add this to your functions.php and replace CPT_slug and taxonomy_slug Red is added added column
If you need to have a parent option for any post custom post to organize inside the admin menu or to loop all child post for some post id just add this code snippet to functions.php
Paste this into code block to get that data. Paste that data into Query of Easy posts or Repeater. With this, you can put in query data from ACF Pro as well Credits to: https://wpdevdesign.com/how-to-generate-the-query-string-for-easy-posts-in-oxygen/
Place it above Repeater or East Posts
This one is work in progress
HTML structure CSS Example on JSFiddle
Add this in codeblock in single post template Title is wrapped with h3 and thumbnail is having class (‘your-class-name’) that you can change to your needs.
Paste this into custom plugin’s functions.php return 15 means 15 words excerpt text being eclipsed. More on WordPress.org
This can be done easily with 1 line of CSS code and only-child selector:
Oxygen adding class to images by default “.ct-image”. To target all the images use img tag or .ct-image. If you want to play with more options there are some couple of more settings:
By default, WordPress compresses your images for better performance. Every time you upload a JPEG image in WordPress, it would automatically compress the image to 90% quality. All you need to do is paste the following code in your custom plugin’s functions.php When you do make these image quality changes, you want to make sure…
If you need to display only certain post type ( page, post, custom post) you need to add this to function.php On line 4 change what post type you need. Source: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-limit-search-results-for-specific-post-types-in-wordpress/
Resize image inside a container on one side to the edge of the page. + 40 is column padding size If you want to resize it on the right change left to right on lines 15 and 21 .container is image wrap .hero-img is img class Important set img to:
This code will help you to get values on page load and change them on resize. It can be useful to update the CSS values and objects position. Code example with breakpoint
Product cat is category name for WooCommerce products category. Thanks, Hammad Wali for sharing this useful code!
If it’s just needed in one place, you could use the following: Keep in mind, using the custom excerpt field will automatically remove all tags. Creating an excerpt automatically from the post content will not. If you want more control, you can use wp_trim_excerpt() or wp_trim_words(). If you need more control to add something like this: wp_trim_words() allows you…
The result will be just Category name Default is: Category: Category name If you want to change “Category:” use this: Thanks, Hammad Wali for sharing this useful code!
I was banging my head for 2 hours until I got help from Alexander Buzmakov. Function name: get_fieldFunction argument: ACF_fields_slug
3rd party plugins admin after_body Alt archive Blocks Category clean up composite elemenets core CPT CSS Custom Custom Post Dashboard flexslider Front End FSE full site editing Gallery hook HTML Image load styles Must Have notice Oxygen Password Permalink plugins Post List Publish Date repeater settings page share single product Taxonomy Taxonomy Term themes Tips Topbar WooCommerce wordpress WP Admin WPML