• WordPress Admin – Top Horizontal Menu

    Horizontal Admin Menu that works nice with Script Org or WP Admin Cleaner. Add the follwoing to Script Organiser or in WP Admin Cleaner under themes > inject custom CSS. It also comes with a the collapsed horizontal desktop menu too.

  • Adding Extra Required Classes To Oxywind Worker

    Adding Extra Required Classes To Oxywind Worker

    Use the following code to add extra required classes during Oxywind worker compiling / cache generation when you are ready for production. You may want to do this if you want to use tailwind classes in your HTML code outside of oxygen elsewhere in wordpress or a 3rd party / custom plugin. This will save…

  • Add daisyUI to Oxywind

    Add daisyUI to Oxywind

    Setup daisyUI CDN Ready For Development Add the following code to use the full daisyUI CDN while developing, this includes all daisyUI elements. These will be later purged by the Oxywind worker so only the elements you use will be included in your production site. Add daisyUI To Oxywind Worker Configuration In the Oxywind settings…