According to Medium, people read about 200 words per minute. Medium also adds 12 seconds for each inline image, but I didn’t get that fancy.
Use Scripts Organizer to add this code. Set it as “Everywhere” since that is same as functions.php
//estimated reading time
function reading_time() {
$content = get_post_field( 'post_content', $post->ID );
$word_count = str_word_count( strip_tags( $content ) );
$readingtime = ceil($word_count / 200);
if ($readingtime == 1) {
$timer = " minute";
} else {
$timer = " minutes";
$totalreadingtime = $readingtime . $timer;
return $totalreadingtime;
<p>Read time: <?php echo reading_time(); ?></p>
Article found on medium. Read original article here