Load Scripts Organizer CSS/SCSS inside Gutenberg editor

If you want to load your theme.css file inside Gutenberg editor you need to create special function for that.

Create one file that has CSS/SCSS and write your theme style there.

Then you will need one more code block to load styles css inside Gutenberg editor

Create Code Block and assign Trigger location > Everywhere


// ------------------------------------------------------
// Add theme support for block styles and editor style.
// ------------------------------------------------------

function editor_css_support_from_scorg() {
	add_theme_support( 'wp-block-styles' );
	// (Replace 33 with your code block ID)
	add_editor_style( SCORG_UPLOADS_URL_CSS . '/118-header-compiled.css' );

function load_editor_styles(){
	add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'editor_css_support_from_scorg' );

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'load_editor_styles');


If you are using SCSS your file name will be “33-header-compiled.css”
If you are using SCSS your file name will be “33-header.css”


is path our predefined path to: wp-content/uploads/scripts-organizer/css/

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