List of categories for posts with link to archive and wrapped in classes
<?php wp_list_categories( array(
'orderby' => 'name',
'title_li' => '',
'hide_title_if_empty' => true,
) ); ?>
To enable it for taxonomies add this line and replace ‘produckte’ with your taxonomy slug
'taxonomy' => 'produkte',
And on the end you will get this for custom categories ( taxonomies)
<?php wp_list_categories( array(
'taxonomy' => 'produkte',
'orderby' => 'name',
'title_li' => '',
'hide_title_if_empty' => true,
) ); ?>
Here is preview of HTML output:
<li class="cat-item cat-item-1 current-cat">
<a aria-current="page" href="link">Cat name 1</a>
<li class="cat-item cat-item-2">
<a aria-current="page" href="link">Cat name 2</a>
<li class="cat-item cat-item-3">
<a aria-current="page" href="link">Cat name 3</a>